Kelly Spiller
ADR Manager
Kelly Spiller joined USA&M in 2009 as a case administrator, where she quickly became known for her dedication to providing top-notch service and support. She excels in working closely with mediators and clients to ensure smooth case management and deliver the best possible outcomes. Her attention to detail and organizational skills have made her an invaluable asset to the team.
In 2024, Miles Mediation & Arbitration acquired USA&M, and Kelly became an ADR manager at Miles. Today she uses her 15 years of experience and expertise to help Miles continue to grow and thrive.
Kelly lives in Southern Illinois with her husband, Gary, and their children, Bryce and Kaylee. She’s an avid supporter of her kids’ sports activities, attending basketball games for Bryce and soccer matches for Kaylee. Their household is also home to two energetic dogs, Kobe and Shaq. When she’s not at work or cheering on her kids, Kelly enjoys hanging out at the house with family, walking her dogs, watching movies, and working on home improvement projects.