Effective Communication in Mediation
Presented by Blane McCarthy, Miles Neutral and Jacksonville Bar President 2023-2024
This program provides 1 CLE hour, including 1 Hour of Civil Trial Certification credit.
We will discuss the following topics:
- “Effective” as defined by one’s intended mediation result
- Direct versus indirect communication,
- Verbal versus nonverbal communication, and
- Seven key considerations to advance the goal of resolution.
- The program is interactive and there will be an open mic / free form Q&A session at the end.
Effective Preparation for Mediation
Presented by Blane McCarthy, Miles Neutral and Jacksonville Bar President 2023-2024
This program provides 1 CLE hour, including 1 Hour of Civil Trial Certification credit.
We will discuss the following topics:
- “Effective” is defined by one’s intended mediation result,
- Preparing your case file
- Preparing your client decision-maker
- Preparing opposing counsel
- Preparing your mediator
- The program is interactive and there will be an open mic / free form Q&A session at the end.
If you provide an audience of 5-10 lawyers, we can book a session at your office and provide a catered lunch, all at no cost to you or your law firm. Please contact Blane directly at bmccarthy@milesadr.com or (904) 993-3520, if you would like to host this event or have questions.

Blane McCarthy is a board certified civil trial lawyer and a certified circuit mediator whose law practice is now limited to conducting mediations. Since becoming certified as a circuit mediator in 2000, Blane has conducted more than 700 mediations, primarily for personal injury matters, commercial disputes, settlement conferences, and probate cases. He joined Miles Mediation & Arbitration in August 2021 to transition to full-time mediation, and offers in-person, virtual, and hybrid mediations.