Episode 3.24: Charlotte: A Conversation with Greg Parent on His Mediation Success and Joining the Charlotte Panel


In this inaugural Charlotte podcast episode, Miles mediator & arbitrator Steve Dunn talks with Greg Parent, also a mediator & arbitrator at Miles. Parent shares why he became a mediator, how his past roles have shaped his success in mediation, and  what he sees for Charlotte as it relates to his career and the business community in Charlotte.





In this episode, Parent discusses:

  • Growing up in Gastonia and his North Carolina roots
  • The importance of being able to see all sides of every issue and immediately establishing credibility with everybody in the room
  • His mentor Joe Murphy who brought him to Miles
  • The professional experience that has given him particular insight into what all of the participants in a mediation might be thinking
  • How success in mediation is less about the facts and ALL about being a good listener, a good empathetic thinker, and establishing a human connection
  • His father’s advice about always giving people dignity and respect
  • His excitement about joining the Charlotte panel and what he hopes to accomplish


This podcast is the first in a series of episodes that feature thought leaders in North Carolina’s legal community and beyond. 

