Episode 3.23: Rebecca Bratter of Greenspoon Marder on Life, Career, and Impacting the Community


With all the changes surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, mediator Jennifer Grippa and Rebecca Bratter discuss the current challenges of doing business and how it could change the climate of the law industry moving forward. They also talk life, parenting, giving back, and practical strategies for success in business.
Rebecca Bratter is the Deputy Managing Partner at Greenspoon Marder, a national law firm with offices across the US, running the gamut from core practices such as litigation and real estate to cannabis law. She has seen the company grow and oversees many different aspects of the firm, usually by traveling across the country to personally ensure the smooth running of the company as a national whole.
Bratter and Grippa discuss how to distinguish yourself, how to impact your community, and how to cope and grow from disruptive events such as the pandemic.
This episode covers:
  • How to move up in a law firm through hard work, a growth-mentality, and finding a mentor
  • Bratter’s journey to her current position from Florida to Capitol Hill and back
  • Encouraging a giving-mentality in children and teens through volunteering
  • Dealing with a high-stress job and a pandemic
  • Adapting and thriving in a COVID- and post-COVID world through flexibility and harnessing the power of technology


“Rebecca Bratter of Greenspoon Marder on Life, Career, and Impacting the Community” is available on Apple Podcasts Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, and Soundcloud. This podcast is the latest in a series of episodes that features thought leaders in Georgia’s legal community and beyond. 

