By Douglas Chandler    “Legal malpractice claim.” No attorney wants to hear these three dreaded words, but a malpractice claim is an unfortunate possibility when working within the legal field. Knowing more about the issues …

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By Jack Waddey   Mediation can be like a box of chocolates. How so? Well, as Forrest Gump famously said, “you never know what you’re going to get.” That’s the case with the clients you’ll …

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By Rex D. Smith   While people’s definitions of mediation may vary, the underlying purpose of mediation is simple: to resolve the dispute between the parties. That is, to settle the case. That means that as …

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By Burke Johnson   An action to quiet title is designed to remove clouds upon the title to land and to conclusively establish that the petitioner is the owner of all the interest in land, …

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By Ken Shigley   Law is a mixture of continuity and change. From the first day of law school, we immersed ourselves in the archaic legal prose of long-dead judges. We still cling to vestiges …

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