Louis Selig Joins Miles Mediation & Arbitration’s Panel

Louis SeligHOUSTON, GA, February 6, 2024 – Miles Mediation & Arbitration, one of the fastest-growing alternative dispute resolution (ADR) providers in the country, is pleased to announce that Louis Selig has joined its panel in Houston.


Louis Selig, a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator, is one of Houston’s and the Gulf Coast’s most experienced mediators. Since starting his ADR career in 1988, he has mediated more than 3,000 cases across multiple states, handling complex issues, high-stakes claims, and disputes involving multiple parties. He has also lectured and spoken at numerous CLE seminars over the years.


“For the past 34 years, I have been blessed to have been able to devote my full-time work to the resolution of litigation,” says Louis. “I was thinking that the mediation of cases one by one was my path to retirement … along came Miles, with its dynamic, visionary team of empire-builders. I am grateful to have been invited to join, and with it, given the opportunity to broaden my work beyond merely mediating cases to include recruiting new panelists, expanding Miles’ reach into new Texas cities, providing advanced mediator training and techniques, and working to supplement Miles’ toolbox with programs like early dispute resolution, etc.”






Miles Mediation & Arbitration is shaping the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) industry with our comprehensive professional services model that combines the expertise of our highly skilled, diverse panel of neutrals with an unparalleled level of client support to guide and empower parties to fair, timely, and cost-effective resolution regardless of case size, specialization, or complexity. For more information, please call 888-305-3553 or email support@milesadr.com.
