What You Should Know About Arbitration at Miles Mediation & Arbitration

You may already know that we do arbitrations at Miles — it is in our business name, after all. But you may not realize how quickly this division of Miles is growing. Let’s take a closer look at Miles’ Arbitration Division, with Elizabeth “Liz” Jow, Miles’ arbitration manager.


Q: More and more clients are arbitrating at Miles. Can you tell me why?

A: Arbitration offers clients the opportunity to be involved in the arbitrator selection process to ensure fairness, and to have their disputes resolved efficiently. The courts are still backlogged with cases that have been on the docket for years and are encouraging cases to go to arbitration. More and more companies are including mandatory arbitration clauses in their contracts. The pandemic affected the supply chains in all industries, most notably in construction, and many construction projects that were started during that time fell through in one way or another, so the parties look to arbitration for a final resolution.


Q: Tell me about your arbitration panel. 

A:  Our arbitrators have years of experience in their areas of expertise. Miles has a highly qualified, diverse, knowledgeable panel of arbitrators and we’re continuing to add arbitrators to our panel to keep up with the growing demand. We look for someone who is experienced in a particular area of law and who isn’t afraid to make hard decisions because a good arbitrator is able to make hard decisions.


Q: What can clients expect when they arbitrate at Miles?

A: First, they can expect excellent client service — that is one of the things Miles is known for. We also designed our procedures and processes around our clients’ wants and needs. Our new Arbitration Division includes the following:



Our site also includes a workflow that explains the arbitration process to those new to it.


Q: How do costs work at Miles?

A: We knew that we wanted our administrative costs and arbitrators’ fees to be highly competitive, and that we wanted clients to know what they could expect to pay. We provide our fees on our website. This transparency allows attorneys to give their clients accurate cost projections and timelines for each stage of the arbitration process. This makes our clients — the attorneys we serve — more comfortable with the overall arbitration process, and I think that’s one of the reasons our Arbitration Division is growing so rapidly.




Miles Mediation & Arbitration is shaping the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) industry with our comprehensive professional services model that combines the expertise of our highly skilled, diverse panel of neutrals with an unparalleled level of client support to guide and empower parties to fair, timely, and cost-effective resolution regardless of case size, specialization, or complexity. For more information, please call 888-305-3553 or email support@milesadr.com.
