Miles’ mediator and arbitrator David Gallo will present at the Atlanta International Arbitration Society (AtlAS) 12th Annual Conference taking place October 2–4 in midtown Atlanta, Georgia. He will facilitate the AtlAS Tertulia Session, “Tertulia Panel 1B – Recent Developments …

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By James Young   Court dockets are crowded, a fact that has only been worsened by the pandemic. The ongoing slew of lawsuits is one reason why many courts are using court-ordered arbitration to help …

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by Leah Albert   Across the globe, arbitration is gaining a foothold in most of the typical areas of legal disputes, such as construction, employment, contracts, securities, and general business disputes. While there has been …

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By R. David Gallo   In almost every brief submitted to a court by a party seeking to enforce an arbitration agreement, you will find a reference to this country’s “pro-arbitration” policy. It is true that the …

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By Pragya Sharma   Back in 2015, as a summer associate, I first encountered a vague, ambiguous dispute resolution clause which stated: “13. Any dispute or matter arising in connection with this contract shall be referred …

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