By Bianca Motley Broom   When we look back on 2020, I think we will all remember the weight of this year. From COVID-19 to economic disarray, with natural disasters arriving on our shores at …

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By Elizabeth Todd   In late 2016 after the Thanksgiving holiday, I reflected on how that year I had personally worked at being thankful even outside of that wonderful holiday.  However, I wanted to be …

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By Steve Dunn   I pretend to be annoyed by falling leaves. I grumble how quickly they cover the driveway, no sooner cleared away than oak and maple leaves drift breezily down in gentle defiance of rakes and blowers and bags. I …

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By Nancy Black Norelli   I have a new friend, Greg Parent, who is a premier mediator, which means he is very prescient and understands people and solves problems. After eliciting a thumbnail sketch of …

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By Joe Murphey   We’ve all had some version of this conversation recently with someone we haven’t seen in a few months.  For me, it’s usually taking place the morning of a Zoom mediation:   …

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By Winter Wheeler, Esq.   I recently came across a meme that said, “Surround yourself with women who would mention your name in a room full of opportunities.” The quote (which was not attributed to …

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By Winter Wheeler, Esq.   Although largely unknown to the average litigant, alternative dispute resolution providers across the country have offered virtual mediation services for upwards of a decade. The sudden increase in the popularity …

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