by Nigel Wright, Mediator & Arbitrator    Most corporate counsel do not like litigation. For many, it is a distraction from the main task of keeping the company moving forward and can expose the company …

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Litigation lawyers have long been viewed as fierce gladiators, battling on their clients’ behalf, in winner take all contests.  Over time, however, many lawyers, including Danae Woodward, recognized that litigation was one way to resolve …

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​Miles mediator and arbitrator, Winter Wheeler, can add podcast host extraordinaire to her resume after the streak of dynamic and thought-provoking episodes of The Future of Resolution Podcast she has hosted during the past several …

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By Michael Eshman, Mediator & Arbitrator   In injury cases involving a party with limited English proficiency, especially catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases, both defendants and plaintiffs benefit from a bilingual mediator. My basis …

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By Nancy Black Norelli, Mediator & Arbitrator    No one ever said practicing law or mediating cases was going to be easy.  If it was, then just about anyone could do it and that’s emphatically …

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